Contacts and company information


Phone: +370 640 15848

WhatsApp Click2Call

Viber: Call at +37064015848


Working hours: Mon- Fri 9:00-17:00

Company information

JSC Sandėliukų centras
Company code: 303521513
VAT payee code: LT100009233718
Address: Naujoji Riovonių str. 25,
LT-03153, Vilnius, Lithuania

Bank account no (IBAN):
LT24 7300 0101 4337 0474
Bank name: “Swedbank”, AB
Bank Code: 73000, SWIFT Code: HABALT22

Where is Storage Center?


In navigation systems there might be an old address.
Try to enter Račių 22, Vilnius if you can’t find Naujoji Riovonių 25.

In Google maps enter “Sandėliukų centras” for online directions.

Or better use coordinates;

54.653123, 25.228847 Open the map

Google maps: Open the map